here is immigration real picture this ugly faggot for years been lurking in yahoo chat using other dudes pics and claiming his name is jose lopez when in fact his name is jonathan c and hes from brooklyn new york. he is a broke ass nigger who claims he makes money producing. i didn't know any producers who were balling living at thier brothers beat down apartment. lol . all his ex yahoo gfs claims he is a fake and used to tell them to tell people in chat that they have seen him on cam when really it wasn't true. just ask carla lina, lgngrl. he is a 2 face and a backstabber he used to be all up on dalys nutts asking him how to hack, then he would talk big time shit about him to me behind his back. he would be net dating all these girls in chat but always avoiding to show webcam or recen pics. he never showed them cam or recent pics because he is ashamed he is a dark ugly spick. look at his unibrows lol. 

no wonder jose immigration used fake pics he is a ugly dark wetback look at his unibrows.