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Monday, September 3, 2012


look at this goofy waldo looking retard named looney. he claims hes a pimp but got dumped by kemickalz. whats funny before kemi dumped looney she was showing her tits and pussy to nova on cam


  1. dam looney u got dumped by that tranny chick you are doing bad hahahaha

    1. and and your boyfriend korn fag are loser period making shit up and blah blah blah nigga you get clowned on all tha time by bitches plus she is not a tranny nigga i swear you guys are fags for checkin me out and other dudes online. its sad to say but when u hack niggas online wit femalenames and look at what they do and check out there pics in their documents and post em on blogs. u are guys are the real queers online

  2. looney you are gay dude. wtf are you doing getting dumped by tranny chicks lol

    1. i dont date trannys u queer get off my dick 2 fuckin flammer all up on my dick and shit dont worry bout me loser worry bout your own shit leaving gay ass comments and what not stop wasting time online wit niggas feeding u dumb shit i swera all you fools are lame

  3. hahaha cry me a fuckin river bitch everyone knows you are a ugly and goofy looking you are fag. not only u are a waldo skinny looking faggot who will get chin checked u are a snitch. u pics and info will stay on the blog and there is not a dam thing u can do about it snitch
